Veterinary World herb handbook
by Geoff D’arcy, Margo Roman
June 2004
Enhancing the healing process of both humans and animals with nutritional herbs is as ancient as the Bible. Excluding the innate qualities of living plants to help the body heal is denying someone a tool to mend the weakened individual. Herbs can be used in almost all cases to boost the immune system and nutritionally support the body. If animals could choose for themselves, they would instinctively try to consume certain types of plants to help themselves heal. We confine our pets therefore they do not have those instinctive choices.
Since 1983 I have pioneered the integration of natural medicine into my profession and my own practice of veterinary medicine.
From 1999 to this day I have been fortunate enough to have access to Geoff D’Arcy’s Veterinary World Herb Formulas. With his Doctorate in Oriental Medicine and extensive background in both Western and Eastern herbs and their interactions, I have had the confidence to prescribe these formulas. His desire to use organic, consistent and fresh herb formulas, has given me the comfort to know that they are supporting the animals in my practice. His method of giving the formulas symptom specific names makes Veterinary World Herbs accessible to even those with a limited knowledge of the science of medicinal herbs. This book gives us another tool, a solid handbook, to build the best possible treatment plan, without having to be an expert herbalist.
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