Understanding the behaviour and improving the welfare of dairy cattle
by Prof Marcia Endres
February 2021
The welfare of farmed animals such as cattle is an increasing concern for consumers and regulatory agencies. Understanding dairy cattle behaviour is suggested to be the foundation for improving welfare.
Understanding the behaviour and improving the welfare of dairy cattle provides a comprehensive review of current welfare issues across the value chain, from calves and heifers to culling. This collection features authoritative discussions by leading experts on the viability of areas such as cognition and learning, pain and stress, as well as social behaviour for improving welfare.
With its distinguished author team and wide-ranging coverage, Understanding the behaviour and improving the welfare of dairy cattle will be a standard reference for university and other researchers in dairy and veterinary science as well as ethology. It will also be a key reference for government and other agencies involved in regulating and monitoring farm animal welfare, as well as dairy farmers and companies processing milk and other dairy products.
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