Illustrated Objective Toxicology for Veterinary Exams
by M. Alpha Raj.
July 2014
Illustrated objective toxicology for veterinary exams is an attempt to provide comprehensive quick reference for various examinations. However, it should be noted that this e-book serves only as a supplement and not as a replacement for text book and class room learning.
This e-book covers all the aspects of veterinary toxicology prescribed by latest Veterinary Council of India (VCI) minimum standards of veterinary education (MSVE) 2008. It is a robust question bank comprising of over 777 objective questions covering 32 lecture outlines. A chapter is devoted on residue toxicology owing to contemporary importance of the topic. Over 108 illustrations were used at appropriate places to improve the lucidity and understanding of the student. Appropriate type of objective questions were used to fit the information being conveyed. Further, the objective type questions are so framed to convey maximum information possible. Explanations and additional information are provided where ever deemed necessary.
As this e-book is mainly meant to be read on a computer, laptop, mobile or tablet, navigation is provided in every page to reach appropriate locations elsewhere in the book. Any corrections and suggestions for improvement of this e-book are most welcome.
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