A Toxicologist’s Guide to Clinical Pathology in Animals
by John E Whalan
March 2015
This guide provides an easy-to-use desk reference for diagnostic information on commonly used hematology, clinical chemistry and urinalysis parameters. Additional reference materials are provided as an aid in evaluating clinical pathology data. For many toxicologists, the evaluation of hematology, clinical chemistry and urinalysis data can be the most challenging aspect of animal toxicity studies. In a typical toxicity study, dozens of parameters are measured several times over the course of the study. There may be hundreds of data points, each of which needs to be considered. A Toxicologist’s Guide to Clinical Pathology in Animals will serve as an essential primer for toxicologists in training and in industry as well as for researchers and professionals in a veterinary practice or a laboratory.
- Provides the basic information toxicologists need to know to correctly evaluate clinical pathology data, the interpretation of animal data is simplified to minimize misinterpretations
- Potential diagnoses for the most commonly used blood and urine tests are readily accessible and can be formulated quickly
- A user-friendly resource that saves time and effort searching for diagnostic information in textbooks