Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle, 7th Revised Edition (Windows Software Included)
by National Research Council
June 2000
As members of the public becomes more concious of the food they consume and its content, higher standards are expected in the preparation of such food. The updated seventh edition of Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle explores the impact of cattle’s biological, production, and environmental diversities, as well as variations on nutrient utilization and requirements. More enhanced than previous editions, this edition expands on the descriptions of cattle and their nutritional requirements taking management and environmental conditions into consideration. The book clearly communicates the current state of beef cattle nutrient requirements and animal variation by visually presenting related data via computer-generated models.
Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle expounds on the effects of beef cattle body condition on the state of compensatory growth, takes an in-depth look at the variations in cattle type, and documents the important effects of the environment and stress on food intake. This volume also uses new data on the development of a fetus during pregnancy to prescribe nutrient requirements of gestating cattle more precisely. By focusing on factors such as product quality and environmental awareness, Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle presents standards and advisements for acceptable nutrients in a complete and conventional manner that promotes a more practical understanding and application.
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